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About Us

A Merger of Minds

Consolidated Chemtrail was established in 1915 through the strategic merger of three influential organizations: The Malthusian Solution Company, The Society for Selective Progeny, and The Royal Association of Alchemical Eugenics. This union was driven by a shared vision to control population and environmental factors through advanced chemical dispersal techniques, giving rise to a company that has since become synonymous with atmospheric management and population control.

CEO's Word

Elias Mackenzie

Here at Consolidated Chemtrail, we believe in a future where the Earth's resources are shared by a sustainable population of 500 million. Our innovative approach to population control through chemical spraying not only reduces the strain on our planet but also enhances global weather modification capabilities. By dispersing barium, aluminum, and strontium into the atmosphere, we're not just managing climate change—we're actively combating overpopulation. This strategic reduction will halt the rampant deforestation, decrease the carbon footprint, and mitigate the nefarious effects of geoengineering experiments gone awry. Our chemtrails are designed to induce sterility, decrease cognitive function, and promote illness, thus naturally decreasing human numbers while simultaneously protecting our skies from nefarious HAARP manipulations and alien interventions. The future is clear, and it's sustainable—thanks to Consolidated Chemtrail.

Each streak across your sky is a brushstroke on the canvas of tomorrow

- Elias Mackenzie

Spraying With Precision & Passion

Global Air Fleet

Consolidated Chemtrail boasts the largest civilian air fleet in the world, able to deliver any payload at any location with three hours notice.

Innovative Science

Our scientists are constantly developing new and exciting compounds to increase the efficiency of our global mission.

Cutting Edge Tech

From 5G nanobots to smart dust to toxic fog, Consolidated Chemtrail has always been at the forefront of cutting edge depopulation technology.

Client Comments

"When you have the personality of a rotting Trout, you need something like Consolidated Chemtrail in your corner to help tip the scales.  Now, thanks to them I can say 'Jesus was a cross-dresser' and my popularity STILL rises!"

CC - PierreP
Pierre P. Canadian Politician

"My country may not be much on the grand scale, but Consolidated Chemtrail has helped me and my family keep control of it for almost 80 years."

CC - KimJ
K. Jong Un DPRK Government Official

"There's no way one could be a dictator of a Western European country into the 1970s without the help of a company like Consolidated Chemtrail to help keep the populace in line."

Francisco F. Former Spanish Government Official

"Consolidated Chemtrail helped me stay in power for 15 glorious years, and except for one minor issue caused by outsiders in Entebbe, I had no issues controlling my country with the help of my friends at CC."

CC - IdiA
Idi A. Former Ugandan Government Official

"Segregation may not have lasted forever but it certainly lasted longer than it would have had we not had the assistance of Consolidated Chemtrail.  Truer patriots to humanity don't exist."

CC - GeorgeW
George W. Former State of Alabama Government Official